It is in interacting with peers and adults that children become their own way of acting, feeling and thinking and discovering that there are other ways of life, different people, with other points of view. As they live their first social experiences (in the family, in the school, in the community), they build perceptions and questions about themselves and others, differentiating themselves and simultaneously identifying themselves as individual and social beings. At the same time as they participate in social relations and personal care, children build their autonomy and sense of self-care, reciprocity and interdependence with their environment. In early childhood education, in turn, opportunities need to be created for children to get in touch with other social and cultural groups, other ways of life, different attitudes, techniques and rituals of personal and group care, customs, celebrations and narratives. In these experiences, they can broaden the way they perceive themselves and others, value their identities, respect others, and recognize the differences that constitute us as human beings.
With the body (through the senses, gestures, impulsive or intentional movements, coordinated or spontaneous), children, early on, explore the world, the space and the objects around them, establish relationships, express themselves, play and produce knowledge about oneself, about the other, about the social and cultural universe, becoming progressively aware of this corporeality. Through different languages, such as music, dance, theater, pretend play, they communicate and express themselves in the interweaving of body, emotion and language. Children know and recognize the sensations and functions of their body and, with their gestures and movements, identify their potentials and their limits, while developing awareness of what is safe and what may be a risk to their integrity. physics. In early childhood education, the body of children gains centrality, as it is the privileged participant in the pedagogical practices of physical care, oriented towards emancipation and freedom, not submission. Thus, the school institution needs to promote rich opportunities so that children, always animated by the playful spirit and interaction with their peers, explore and experience a wide repertoire of movements, gestures, looks, sounds and mimes with the body, to discover various ways of occupying and using body space (such as sitting with support, crawling, crawling, slipping, walking on cradles, tables and ropes, jumping, climbing, balancing, running, somersaulting, stretching etc.).
Living with different artistic, cultural and scientific manifestations, local and universal, in the daily life of the school, enables children, through diversified experiences, to experience different forms of expression and languages, such as the visual arts (painting, modeling, collage, photography). etc.), music, theater, dance and audiovisual, among others. Based on these experiences, they express themselves in various languages, creating their own artistic or cultural productions, exercising authorship (collective and individual) with sounds, traces, gestures, dances, mimes, staging, songs, drawings, modeling, manipulation of various materials and technological resources. These experiences help children, from a very young age, develop an aesthetic and critical sense, the knowledge of themselves, others and the reality that surrounds them. Therefore, early childhood education needs to promote the participation of children in times and spaces for artistic production, expression and appreciation, in order to foster the development of children's sensitivity, creativity and personal expression, allowing them to permanently appropriate and reconfigure them. , culture and enhance their singularities, by expanding repertoires and interpreting their artistic experiences and experiences.
From birth, children participate in everyday communicative situations with the people with whom they interact. The baby's first forms of interaction are body movements, gaze, body posture, smile, crying and other vocal resources, which make sense with the other's interpretation. Progressively, children expand and enrich their vocabulary and other resources of expression and understanding, appropriating their mother tongue - which gradually becomes their privileged vehicle for interaction. In early childhood education, it is important to promote experiences in which children can speak and listen, enhancing their participation in oral culture, as it is in listening to stories, participating in conversations, descriptions, narratives prepared individually or in groups and the implications with the multiple languages that the child actively constitutes as a singular subject and belonging to a social group. From an early age, the child expresses curiosity about the written culture: listening to and following the reading of texts, observing the many texts that circulate in the family, community and school context, they build their conception of written language, recognizing different social uses. writing, genres, supports and carriers. In kindergarten, the immersion in the written culture must start from what the children know and the curiosities that they show. Experiences with children's literature, proposed by the educator, mediator between texts and children, contribute to the development of a taste for reading, stimulation of the imagination and the expansion of world knowledge. Also, contact with stories, tales, fables, poems, twine etc. provides familiarity with books, with different literary genres, differentiation between illustrations and writing, learning the direction of writing and the correct forms of book manipulation. In this coexistence with written texts, children build hypotheses about writing that initially reveal themselves in doodles and scribbles and, as they come to know letters, in spontaneous, unconventional writing, but already indicative of the comprehension of writing as a system of writing. language representation.
Children live in spaces and times of different dimensions, in a world made up of natural and socio-cultural phenomena. From a very young age, they seek to be situated in various spaces (street, neighborhood, city, etc.) and times (day and night; today, yesterday and tomorrow, etc.). They also show curiosity about the physical world (their own body, atmospheric phenomena, animals, plants, the transformations of nature, the different types of materials and the possibilities of their manipulation, etc.) and the sociocultural world (kinship relations). and social among the people you know, how they live and work in them, what their traditions and customs are, how diverse they are, etc.). In addition, in these and many other experiences, children also often encounter mathematical knowledge (counting, ordering, relationships between quantities, dimensions, measurements, weight and length comparisons, distance assessment, geometric shape recognition, knowledge and recognition of cardinal and ordinal numerals etc.) which also pique curiosity. Therefore, kindergarten needs to promote experiences in which children can make observations, manipulate objects, investigate and explore their surroundings, raise hypotheses and consult sources of information to seek answers to their curiosities and questions. Thus, the school institution is creating opportunities for children to expand their knowledge of the physical and sociocultural world and use them in their daily lives.
Cambridge Primary English enables students to communicate confidently and effectively and develop critical skills to respond to a variety of information, media and text with understanding and pleasure. Students following this curriculum structure will develop a curriculum-based, first-language English competency designed to succeed in any culture and foster intercultural understanding.
The bilingual math curriculum is divided into five areas: number, geometry, measurement, data manipulation, and problem solving. This curriculum focuses on principles, standards, systems, functions, and relationships so that students can apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic understanding of the subject.
This curriculum structure covers four content areas: scientific research, biology, chemistry and physics. Scientific research is about considering ideas, evaluating evidence, planning, investigating, recording and analyzing data. The objectives of scientific research underpin biology, chemistry and physics, which focus on developing confidence and interest in scientific knowledge.
Environmental awareness and the history of science are also part of the curriculum. The Cambridge Primary Science curriculum provides a solid foundation on which later stages of education can be built.
This curriculum develops learners’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English. It has been developed in conjunction with Cambridge Assessment English and is based on the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), used across the world to map learners’ progress in English.